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Session the Future of the World Social Forum - preparing, conducting, follow up
Wednesday, 15 July 2020: 14:15-15:45
Location: Auditorium F (Building 41)
RC10 Participation, Organizational Democracy and Self-Management (host committee)
RC26 Sociotechnics, Sociological Practice
Language: Spanish and English
Session Type: Oral
Since the beginning of the WSF as an alternative gathering of civil society (focused on the common good) to the WEF in Davos (focused on the neoliberal project of capitalist globalization), there was a tension between two visions on how to proceed: One advocating an "Open Space" and the other a more "organizational and movement of movements approach." This tension has not yet been resolved and the internal debate has become virulent. Thus, the WSF process which is more needed than ever, given the current crisis of democracy and the return of fascism, is nowadays being threatened not only by ideological dispute but also by polarization and personal rivalries between key historical actors. The question up for discussion in this session deals with the future of the WSF as a vital alternative to neo-liberal globalization and neofascism, in the context of the world crisis of the 21st century: dramatic climate warming, environmental devastation due to extractivism, militarism, accelerated global inequality, a vast migratory crisis and humanitarian catastrophe, crisis of democracy, growing xenophobia, racism and neo-fascism, and other matters that impinge on: planetarian survival and the construction of other possible worlds, in the era of Anthropocene?
Session Organizers:
Azril BACAL ROIJ, Uppsala University, Sweden,
Erik LINDHULT, Sweden,