Увод у социологију сазнања - Introduction to sociology of knowledge

Picture of Vera Vratuša
Funcionalist - positivist paradigm, two variants
by Vera Vratuša - Thursday, January 11, 2018, 4:00 PM

Таbular presentation of the main assumptions of the two variants of  the 

functionalist positivist paradigm


а) collectivist conservative variant 

б) individualist reformist variant


gnoseological and epistemological


Social world

Reliable and valid technical - instrumental knowledge about

A sense of cognition is the systemic and social integration of the institutional

а) оbјеctively exists in the form of the consensus about the collective ways of thinking, acting and feeling outside of and independent from individual consciousness, which it determines

а) inherited natural causes

а) which is basically unchangable

б) оbjectively exists in the form of a harmonious or from time to time dysfunctional resultant of the  interaction of individual consciousness

б) ascribed institutionl causes

of the perceptible social behavior of people, achieved through  empirical quantittive methods according to the model of natural sciences

б) which can be and should be improved gthorugh gradual reforms


Based on the proposed textbook and source literature and the ones you find, modify, supplement and / or elaborate the basic оntological, еpistemological and practical assumptions of typical advocates of the two variants of the functionalist positivist paradigmatic approach to exploration of the problems of cognition and knowledge.