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ISA RC10 Program at ISA 1978
At the same time as the Research Committee on Participation, Workers' Control and Self-Management
was officially recognized at ISA Uppsala Congress (August, 1978); it developed a three-session program as an Ad Hoc Group 2...
14 papers were presented in these sessions, from people of many countries: USA (5), Yugoslavia (2), Canada (2), Australia (1), Denmark (1), France (1), The Netherlands (1), Sweden (1).
At the first business meeting held in Uppsala (August 78) it was accepted the idea to establish closer cooperation with 2 other RCs, namely Sociology of Organization (RC 17) and COCTA (RC 35). Other organisms and groups of interest to contact were: "Cornell Group”, CICRA and EGOS (we don't have information on these organizations).
The RC was also interested in having some publicity in publications such as ISA Bulletin, CICRA Newsletter, Organizational Studies, and Economic and Industrial Democracy. In the latter two, it was suggested to submit interesting papers that are not being published in the Sage Series.
An attempt would be made to arrange 2 workshops per year, each on a selected theme. At the same time, it was planned to encourage the constitution of smaller groups of 20-30 members, specialized on particular problems and/or on a regional base.
source: Isa Bulletin __30__
Ad Hoc Group 2 |
Co-organizers |
B. Abrahamsson |
Session 1: Political conditions for generalized self-management |
Chair |
Rapporteur: |
Topics include: Macro-social theories of change and self-management; the role of the State and military in self-management; issues of centralism and decentralism; etatism, transnationalism, the international system and imperialism. |
Session 2: The democratization of enterprises |
Chair |
Rapporteur |
The aim of this session is to give an overview of developments as concerns industrial democracy with a view to sorting out and discussing the trends that are of particular importance at the moment. |
Session 3: Local communities, minorities and self-management |
Chair – |
Rapporteur- |
source: Isa Bulletin 16
AdHoc Participation, self-management and 2 workers' control Co-Organizers-
R.Supek, GoranaKovacica 2, Zagreb 41000Dept. of Sociology,Univ.of ZagrebYugoslavia
B.Abrahamsson , Uppsala75120Uppsala,Sweden
Chair-Rapporteur-Steven Deutsch Stefan Udovic, Dept. of Sociology,Univ. of Oregon, Swedish Inst.for Social Research, FACKEugene, Oregon97403,U.S.A.1069
Topics include:
-macro-sooial theories of chanqe and self-manaqemerit;
-the roleof the State and military in self-manaqemeni;
-political movements, parties and self-government;
-issues of centralization and decentralization; statism.transnationalism, the international system and imperialism;
-participation, autogestion et controle des travailleurs
Session1:Political conditions for generalazied self-manaqement
Session 2:The democratization of the enterprises - discassing the trends
Session3:Local commrunities,minorities and self-management
Session 4:Culture,humanism and self-management.
Chair-Bjorn GustavsenWork Research Institute, Gydes P.O. Box 8149 Oslo 1, Norway
Rapportieur-Veljko Rus Institute for Philosophy&Sociology Cankarjeva 161000Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, IndustriaL democracy …sorting out
Rapporteur-Menahem Rosner Kibbutz Reshafim Poste Beit Shean, Israel
Zagorka Golubovic, Georgi Dimitrova 51,11000 Beograd, Yugoslavia - an overview
Chair-Yvon Bourdet11 Place d 'Orion92360 Meudon laForet,France
Ken Coates Bertrand Russe11 FoundationGamblese.,NottinghamNG74ET.