SESSION Self Management As Goal and Means of Empowerment, Liberation from Violence and Justice for the Oppressed and Exploited

Preliminary program

Session Description :
The main aim of this regular session is to continue longitudinal, multidisciplinary and multi-perspective social transformation oriented comparative research of self-management theory and practice, testing the capacity of self managing form of organization of social reproduction relationships to help attain value oriented goals of empowerment, liberation from violence and justice for the oppressed and exploited, through the means of overcoming of class division of alienated and alienating labor on managing and executing work functions, on the basis of participation in the self-managing strategic decision making at the work place and in a community, from local to global territorial level. This session calls for face to face and virtual dialogue (URL of the discussion part of the relevant subpage will be published at in search for the answers primarily to following questions, but not restricted to them: 1) Is economic, political, social and cultural power a zero sum strategic game between contradictory interests of social classes, or the variable sum systemic game of complementary interests of social strata, as long as predominates economic function of competitive accumulation of private profit mediated by sale of merchandises on the market? 2) Can the liberation of the oppressed and exploited from the violence of the oppressors and exploiters be nonviolent?; 3) Does there exist and how should be quantitatively and qualitatively determined allegedly stimulative “just inequality” in power, wealth and esteem between individuals and social groups?

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Spanish, French, English

Session Organizer

Prof.Dr. Vera VRATUSA (Belgrade University, retired)

Below is where you will see any abstracts submitted to this session or the preliminary program;

please, register for the conference by March 20, 2018 24:00 GMT at
since presenters who have failed to register by this deadline will be automatically deleted from the program

Abstract ID# 100809
Intellect and Labour Revisited: Collective Alternatives of Self-Management and Co-Production
Co-production, Self Management, ​Decolonization of knowledge and ​Social movements
Alberto Leonard BIALAKOWSKY1, Ana CARDENAS TOMAZIC2, Alicia Itati PALERMO3, Cecilia LUSNICH1, Maria Ignacia COSTA1 and Andrea SCHENK1, (1)Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, (2)Institute for Social Research (ISF München), Germany, (3)National University of Lujan, Argentina
Productive labour is being penetrated and constrained by systems of control, regulation and violence based on current neoliberal knowledge. This paper aims to discuss and answer the following question: Is the decolonization of knowledge possible without transforming its epistemic foundations? The hypothetical answer is that social emancipation cannot be thematized without referring to and discussing the epistemic foundations of productive labour. Based on Latin American critical knowledge as well as social movement praxis, the purpose of this project is to discuss and develop a theoretical perspective on self-management experiences in academia, firms and prisons in Argentina and Chile. These productive spaces at first glance seem very different, but today reveal very similar regulatory logics.

Abstract ID# 94242
From Socialist Self-Management to Neoliberal Democracy on Example of Serbia or Must Democracy Have ONLY One Dimension?
neoliberal democracy, self-management in ex-Yugoslavia and Serbia, social-economic democracy and transition
Suvakovic UROS, University of Pristina with temporary Head Office in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Sociology, Serbia
Social changes are considered in the article on the example of Serbia, accomplished by the transition from the self-managerial socialism to the neoliberal capitalism. Most of the social-economic rights of workers were reduced, even canceled, the rights that characterized the self-managerial socialism of the ex-Yugoslavia in which Serbia was one of the republics having the same rights. Yugoslav self-managerial socialism had significant differences concerning the Soviet model of real-socialism, so that it was often called “soft socialism”, since it provided also the influence of the people that were not members of the Communist Party to political life of the country. In Serbia in the last quarter of the 20th century, and especially after the 2000, black economy is flourishing, a great number of workers is non-registered, wages are among the lowest in the world regarding the education of the labor, unemployment rate is high, there is no possibility to get a flat except in case of debtor’s slavery with foreign banks, there is a high contingency regarding the keeping of the own job since labor contracts that guaranteed employment for indefinite period are being cancelled, precarity is being developed, and these are just a few of the phenomena that appeared as the consequence of the transition. While workers in Serbia used to have the right to choose the director of their company and decide at workers’ gatherings on the distribution of profit and who was going to get a flat from the company, today they have only the right to vote, periodically, at elections, as citizens. Self-management rights are lost forever, while gained political freedoms have become much less important for their everyday life. Is it possible that democracy is simultaneously social-economic and political category, which is the issue to which the answer is searched?

Abstract ID# 96394
Self-Organization Under Natural and Social Catastrophes
Crisis and natural catastrophes, Political self-management and Social confrontations
Marco GÓMEZ, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico
Popular self-organization following natural or social catastrophes. The 2017-09-19 earthquake in Mexico
It appears that, under certain circumstances, in capitalist society it is posible for people to manage and govern society directly, without the mediation of a special political class of officials organized to perform those functions. In many instances, those circumstances arise from natural or social cataclisms that continually affect the social organization. People are driven to spontaneously organize themselves in order to take over, partially or completely, administrative and governing tasks, at first those directly related to the catastrophe itself, due to the disorganization or disability of the central political power, but then extending to other áreas as organization desterity grows, and the situation affords itself.
However, during and in the aftermath of these catastrophes, the centralized political power of capitalist societies confronts these self-organizing attempts by the population. Measures taken by government forces can exhibit a greater or lesser ability, be more or less violent, all to quell the spontaneous self-organization by the people in whatever attempt to take over the management and governing powers of society. The result of this confrontation will depend, naturally, on the correlation of forces between the two, but above all, on the organizational capacity and the level of consciousness achieved by the self-organized masses of people.
During the recent earthquake in Mexico, thousands of people went to the affected áreas and spontaneously organized themselves in all sorts of rescue tasks. The government acted late, unefficiently, and many times in conflict with the self-organized volunteers.
Field work will be undertaken in Mexico City and surroundings to document these events and to try and describe posible outcomes.

Abstract ID# 91366
Alternative Works Forms in a Globalized World. a Gender Perspective
aletrantive wolrk forms, gender, precarization and workers
Maria Lucero JIMENEZ GUZMAN, UNAM, Mexico
,I has been doing research on the workers` economy during quite a few years. In the paper that I propose I would present my reflections on the alternative forms of work in the globalized world, their potential and limitations. My particular interest lies in the empowerment of individuals that are exploited and oppressed, that lack employmet and are subject to prearious work.
A basic question is to incorporate the gender perspective in this research. For this reason, a part of my paper refers to the forms of integration of women in these spaces.

Abstract ID# 97912
Why Microfinance in RICH Developed Countries?
Empowerment, Network, Social Enterprises and Sweden
Maria FREGIDOU-MALAMA, University of GAVLE - Faculty of Education and Economic Studies, Department of Business and Economics Studies, 801 76, GAVLE, Sweden; University of GAVLE, Department of Business and Economics Studies, Sweden
This research deals with microfinance. Microcredit means giving people access to financial resources to borrow a small amount of money to invest in income generating context related to business activities. The study analyzes how microfinance is structured and its influence on business development in Sweden. A multiple case study is applied for data collection. Qualitative data have been collected in form of semi-structured interviews. Direct observation and documents have also been used as data source. The study shows that microfinance contributes to development of sustainable enterprises and innovative product and services development. It is argued that microfinance leads to sharing risk and financing projects in social enterprises, cooperative businesses and associations. It provides people with social networks, enhances their independence, empowers them and improves the quality of their life by generating economic resources. We suggest future comparative studies on the influence of microfinance on business development and women empowerment in emerging economies and developed countries.

Abstract without ID# since it was not submitted before September 30, 2017 24:00 GMT at


Why is Indispensable Rehabilitation of Self-Management Idea Today and What is the Role of Sociology In The Research of Alternative Projects of Social Development

self-management, alternative sociology, antagonistic participation, emancipatory praxis, democratic socialism

Ljubiša MITROVIĆ, professor emeritus, Niš university, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Sociology, Serbia


In the neocolonial restoration era, when hobgoblin of neoliberal predator’s globalism is circling around the world and also social and regional inequalities grow in enormous proportions, capitalism is in its structural “long wave” crisis too, it’s time to problematize again the self-management idea which is form of self determination and labors liberation from mega capital’s dictatorship and new right side politics. Waking up and ascent of each form of emancipatory movement in the world presents interference to “our” and world neoliberals.
The original values of self-management and participative democracy are considered in the article, from history of the labor’s and trade union’s movement and the struggle for socialism, both their successes and deformations are pointed out, as well as their emancipatory potential in present and future struggles of workers and awakened social citizenry .

Instead of the current retreat of the institutional left, it should be expected that the crisis will give rise to a need and to forces of radical change on the platform of the unity of reform and revolution . Antagonistic participation is transient instrument for that struggle.

The rehabilitation of self-management idea as an instrument of emancipatory praxis and constitution of society according to the measure of labor forces , it will clear the way to actors of democratic socialism through the time and to socialization of the social and political power, also to the building of new democratic institutions of society and of state from below. In the formation of such projects of social development, the significant role may play critical alternative sociology, which proposes the radical transformation of sociology: from the science and technology of the non-freedom to science and technology of freedom, and to establish itself as new cultural politic in the service of people’s liberty

Last modified: Friday, 6 July 2018, 11:57 AM